Let us introduce: Roos Vermeulen

25 April 2024 | Lees dit in het Nederlands

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Roos Vermeulen is a Cardio Kickboxing instructor and has been training at Renzo Gracie Tilburg for two years.


Roos began boxing herself when she was experiencing a burnout. For her, it was mainly about destressing and becoming mentally healthy again. This way, she could release her frustrations with each training session and felt completely relaxed when she left.

And that ultimately also helped her to compete in her very first kickboxing match through Renzo Gracie Tilburg.


"I wanted to test myself in a real kickboxing match. The first one was at the 'Brace for Impact' kickboxing gala. I won it quite easily with a TKO. The second fight was a lot tougher, my opponent kept coming, but I still won the match on points.

Roos is very enthusiastic about our gym: "We are very open and honest with everyone, and I feel like I can always say anything to anyone. I find it very pleasant."

And the sport is not just for men: "If there are any women who are hesitant, they are always welcome to train with me!"

Won by TKO at the Boxing Gala June 2023
Won on points at the Boxing Gala Heesakkers October 2023

    If you want to attend a kickboxing class, sign up for a trial class!

    Interview with Roos