Successful participation Renzo Gracie Tilburg in boxing gala Oostelbeers
19 April 2022 | Lees dit in het Nederlands

On April 2, four novice boxers took part in the Team Coolen boxing gala in Oostelbeers. A great experience that ended with two wins.

Under the guidance of coaches Bennie Monsma and Pepijn Schupp, a few of our members were given the opportunity to gain experience with an official fight. The event was professionally organized in a beautiful former church building.

Patrick Adamczyk won the first fight dominantly with 4 times 8 seconds time out for the opponent. Giel Rutten won in a nice match. Bram van Hest unfortunately lost his fight. Milan Spijkers also lost his fight due to points deduction.
It was a great day for our young team. Everyone fought really well and showed their talent.